
My name is Hakam and I am from Hamaa in Syria. I left Syria in early 2012 hoping to do something in Tunisia, but unfortunately, I did not manage to find work in Tunisia because their rules are difficult and life was tough.

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Dublin Core: Language: swe Subject: asylum, refugees, A Million Stories, Sweden

A barbershop

I am a refugee, my name is Omar. I came to Greece on February 27th, 2017. When I was living in Syria, I had a normal life as all the people. I was with my family and we didn’t have any problem. Then, the war started in Syria and I was arrested for a short time. So, I decided to go to Turkey and I was there for 1 year and 6 months. Turkish people have different behavior to Syrians. There, we didn’t have a job and I start thinking to leave Turkey, so to find a job in Greece. Continue reading “A barbershop”

Dublin Core: Language: en Subject: Greece, Syria, Damascus, refugee, A Million Stories

“After many bad experiences, we arrived in Greece”

I am a Syrian refugee from Damascus. My name is Ali. I am 23 years old. I got married two years ago. The war has started in Syria for a reason we don’t know. Our life was very nice there we could go to the university, to the school, to play sport, to go back home very late because we had a safe place. What you wanted to do in Syria, you could do it. When the Revolution started, we didn’t know how. Continue reading ““After many bad experiences, we arrived in Greece””

Dublin Core: Language: en Subject: Greece, Syria, Damascus, refugee, A Million Stories, Germany

A safer place

Firstly, hello! My name is Raha Alher and I came from Syria. I am a refugee and I have been in Greece for 2 years. Before, I was living in Syria where we had many problems. In Aleppo that is my city, we had problems, as well. We didn’t have anything to live, no electricity, no work, and no water.

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Dublin Core: Language: en Subject: Greece, Syria, Aleppo, refugee, A Million Stories, Germany

“I hope they have a chance in Europe”

Ονομάζομαι Abo Amin. Είμαι από τη Συρία. Είμαι 52 ετών. Έχω πτυχίο στη στατιστική και μέχρι πολύ πρόσφατα εργαζόμουν σε διάφορους τομείς. Έχω εργαστεί στον τομέα των εκτυπώσεων για περίπου 15 χρόνια.

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Dublin Core: Language: el Subject: Greece, Syria, Latakia, refugee, A Million Stories

The only difference is the sound of bombing

Ονομάζομαι Jamal. Κατάγομαι από το Κυβερνείο Αλ Χασακά της Συρίας και είμαι 29 ετών. Είμαι παντρεμένος και έχω δύο παιδιά. Το ένα είναι τριών χρονών και το άλλο είναι ενός. Η οικογένειά μου αποτελείται από οχτώ άτομα.

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Dublin Core: Language: el Subject: Greece, Syria, Al-Hasakah, refugee, A Million Stories