I have now waited 4 years for the smuggler’s brother

Fouad is 38 years old, Aleppo, Syria.

I had a beautiful life before the war. I was a successful tailor and I had one business in Aleppo and another one in Lebanon where I had several men and women employed, respectively. Life was good and I enjoyed it very much in all its aspects. Continue reading “I have now waited 4 years for the smuggler’s brother”

Dublin Core: Language: en Subject: a million stories, denmark, syria, aleppo, refugee,

I have changed my life completely

Mahad Khudari, 20 years old, originally from Homs, Syria.

I am only 20, but I think I have a unique story with lots of experience. I was born in Homs and went to school there. I studied till the 6th grade, but had to leave school to get married. I got my first baby when I was 14. I got married so early that it took away my sense of happiness in life. Continue reading “I have changed my life completely”

Dublin Core: Language: en Subject: a million stories, denmark, syria, homs, refugee,

I wish the Danes to see us people for Syria as hard working people

Alaa Alkoje is 38 years old, from Hama, Syria.

I am from Hama in Syria and I have five children. I came to Denmark in 2015. In Syria, I worked in construction and trade between China, Dubai and Syria. All my life I have been working, because when I was very young, Bashar al-Assad’s father; Hafez al-Assad killed all men in my hometown Hama. He got every man over the age of 16 killed. Approximately 200.000 men.
I started to work with maturing shoes. My father used to make shoes. I did that in the daytime. At night, I got a job in construction. I worked 13-15 hours a day, every day of the week. Continue reading “I wish the Danes to see us people for Syria as hard working people”

Dublin Core: Language: en Subject: a million stories, denmark, syria, hama, refugee, roskilde,

Every day I could hear the noise from the bomber

Aiden is 20 years old and from Aleppo, Syria.

I had a good and for a boy-my-age normal life in my city. I lived in an apartment with my family and would go to school. I had two hobbies and one of them is chess and the other one is swimming; back in Syria I took a swimming certificate. I had many friends and would work on my computer, which is something that I like a lot and also would like to work with sometime in the future. Two careers I have in my mind and would like to explore are soft engineering and data science.   Continue reading “Every day I could hear the noise from the bomber”

Dublin Core: Language: en Subject: A million stories, denmark, syria, aleppo, copenhagen, refugee,

I started to build my network

Manal Tahhan is originally from Damascus, Syria.

I escaped from Syria because my life was threatened there. Before, I lived outside of Damascus. The area was controlled by the army, so I escaped from there to Damascus with my three kids. After that I found a job in the ministry of justice. I worked there as a secretary. After three years from the war, I started to arrange my life in Damascus. It’s no problem. I sent my kids to school. After three years there was a treaty between the Assad-army and the other army, the Isis-army. Continue reading “I started to build my network”

Dublin Core: Language: en Subject: a million stories, denmark, syria, damascus, refugee,