We fled over the mountains by foot

Man, 39 years old, West Kurdistan (Iran)

As a result of the political situation in Iran, I decided to flee with my wife and children: We fled over the mountains by foot and it took us around 10 hours to reach Turkey where we went in bus to Izmir, which took us another 30 hours. And from Izmir we got out on the sea in a rubber dinghy that was 6 metres long and we were in total 40 persons on the boat.    Continue reading “We fled over the mountains by foot”

Dublin Core: Language: en Subject: a million stories, denmark, kurdistan, iran, refugee,

Karin, my Danish aunt

Girl, 15 years old, Kurd, Syria

I arrived in Denmark with my family in 2016. I came with my parents and 6 siblings and first we went to live as refugees in a small house that was located in a place called Nykøbing Mors. And after having lived there for some months, we moved to Copenhagen to another temporary housing, where we were sharing facilities such as kitchen and shower with a group of other refugees. It was also in this housing that I met Karin, whom I now consider to be my ”Danish aunt”, and she is not only an aunt to me, but to my entire family. Karin first came to visit us and then we went to see her and to have some food in her apartment.  Continue reading “Karin, my Danish aunt”

Dublin Core: Language: en Subject: a million stories, denmark, copenhagen, syria, kurdistan, refugee,

I go to school every day together with my sister

Girl, 14 years old, Kurd, Syria.

I came to Denmark in early 2016 with my parents and my sisters and brothers, and first we lived in the countryside in our own house. It was a very nice house, because it was nice and peaceful as I did not have to share my kitchen with anybody else except my family. But then we moved to Copenhagen to another temporary housing with shared facilities and a lot of other refugees around, and it was just very different from what we had been used to. Continue reading “I go to school every day together with my sister”

Dublin Core: Language: en Subject: a million stories, denmark, syria, kurdistan, copenhagen, refugee,

One of my biggest dreams it to be really good at football

Boy, 9 years old, Kurd, Syria.

I have been in Denmark since early 2016, and until my family and I got our own apartment in Copenhagen we lived in several refugee centres, where I made good friends with whom I would play games like tag and hide-and-seek. It would be just like the games we played in Syria. Continue reading “One of my biggest dreams it to be really good at football”

Dublin Core: Language: en Subject: a million stories, syria, kurdistan, denmark, football, soccer, refugee

Adam is a successful business owner

Adam Beauty is 30 years old, Kurdish from Qamishly.

I have been here in Denmark for five years. Before that I was in Syria, and I was very successful at school. I studied economy at Aleppo university, and then I travelled to Dubai and Qatar, where I worked in fashion. After that I went back to Syria, but the war started, so I escaped to Europe, to Denmark. I reached Denmark in 2012. Continue reading “Adam is a successful business owner”

Dublin Core: Language: en Subject: Enter comma separated keywords here

“I wish to become a great painter”

Ονομάζομαι Shna και είμαι 17 ετών. Γεννήθηκα στο Ιράκ και κατάγομαι από την Ερμπίλ στο Κουρδιστάν. Έχω μία ιστορία την οποία θα ήθελα να σας διηγηθώ. Είναι θλιβερή, αλλά δεν θα σας στεναχωρήσει, θα σας χαροποιήσει.

Όταν έφτασα για πρώτη φορά στην Ευρώπη από το Ιράκ ήμουν χαρούμενη, είπα πως θα ξεκινήσω μια νέα ζωή, αλλά αργότερα τα πράγματα άλλαξαν.

Continue reading ““I wish to become a great painter””

Dublin Core: Language: el Subject: Greece, Iraq, Kurdistan, Erbil, refugee, A Million Stories