Without knowing me

My name is Ahmad Baroud, I am 20 years old, originally I come from Gaza, but was born in Syria. My parents didn’t live in Palestine for long, they always went there for visits. My grandfather lived there, he had fields, property, before the place was occupied by Israel. We had a house, today we have nothing left. Everything my parents had was taken from them. So they moved to Syria and started a new life. Continue reading “Without knowing me”

Dublin Core: Language: Language will appear here Subject: refugees, asylum, a million stories, syria, germany

The story of survival

My name is Amro Nasani, I am 22 years old and come from Syria. I come from a middle-class family, like most Syrian people. We’re four boys in the family.

My grandfather was a very respected commander of the Syrian Air Force, unfortunately he was suspended from his position when Hafez al Assad became in charge. My grandfather had a huge influence, which the former president did not like. He was suspended from one day to the next, without justification, from his profession and placed under house arrest. A man in his position was taken everything, he became very ill and died motionless in his bed. Continue reading “The story of survival”

Dublin Core: Language: de Subject: refugees, asylum, a million stories, germany, syria