Participant of the workshop “Realities of life knocked in stone and immortalized in photos”

He, 26 years old, comes from Afghanistan. The German lessons in Germany are a challenge for him. He strives to learn the German language. He lives alone in a room in the refugee camp. His wish is to work as a hairdresser. Continue reading “Participant of the workshop “Realities of life knocked in stone and immortalized in photos””

Dublin Core: Language: de Subject: refugees, asylum, afghanistan, germany, a million stories

Participant of the workshop “Realities of life knocked in stone and immortalized in photos”

He, 31 years old, fled from Albania in the summer with his wife and two daughters. His daughters found a place in school. He and his wife are currently looking for a job. Continue reading “Participant of the workshop “Realities of life knocked in stone and immortalized in photos””

Dublin Core: Language: de Subject: refugees, asylum, Afghanistan, Germany, a million stories

Participants of the workshop “Realities of life knocked in stone and immortalized in photos”

They come from Afghanistan, their husbands live in different refugee camps in Germany. They take part in the cultural project “Realities of life knocked in stone and immortalized in photos”. All three women hold a single-use camera in their hands for the first time. Their perspective of staying is unclear. Continue reading “Participants of the workshop “Realities of life knocked in stone and immortalized in photos””

Dublin Core: Language: de Subject: refugees, asylum, Afghanistan, Germany, a million stories