First time visiting my family and friends in Greece

My name is Juan Sido, I am from Afrin and I am a refugee. My story begins in 2013 when my family and I left home and went to Turkey because of the war. I stayed there until 2016. Then, I left so as to be reunified with my older brother. After that, we registered to an organization for relocation in Greece. Continue reading “First time visiting my family and friends in Greece”

Dublin Core: Language: en, el Subject: A Million Stories, Syria, Greece, Refugee


My name is Humari, I am 57 years old and I come from Afghanistan. I was born in Kunduz. When I got married, I was very young. I was just 16 years old. I have got seven children. Three of my sons went to Germany three years ago and one of them went to Switzerland. The latter is very sick because back home, in Afghanistan, a bomb had exploded on his foot. One of my daughters lives in Sweden and she is married. With me here, in Greece, I have only my youngest son and daughter. Continue reading “Humari”

Dublin Core: Language: en, el Subject: A Million Stories, Afghanistan, Greece, Refugee


My name is Farokh and I come from Afghanistan. I was born in Kunduz. There, I was working as a tailor and I got married when I was 21 years old. I have got six children; four sons and two daughters. I have been in Greece for about two years now. I came with all my family, except one of my boys. Continue reading “Farokh”

Dublin Core: Language: en, el Subject: A Million Stories, Afghanistan, Greece, Refugee


My name is Arisa, I am 4 years old and I was born in Iran. I have been in Greece for about 3 years now. I came with my family when I was a little. I really like drawing and dancing. I also play with my sister very much. Continue reading “Arisa”

Dublin Core: Language: en, el Subject: A Million Stories, Iran, Greece, Refugee


My name is Arash and I am 10 years old. I have been in Greece for about 3 years now. I am in the fifth grade of primary school and from all the school subjects, I like the Greek language(and literature), Maths and PE(physical education). In the afternoon, I go to training for two hours. I do kickboxing. I have won two medals and I have taken two belts and a certificate of attendance. I would like to be a police officer or to be involved in kickboxing professionally. Continue reading “Arash”

Dublin Core: Language: en, el Subject: A Million Stories, Afghanistan, Greece, Refugee


My name is Rogan and I am 12 years old. I have been in Greece for about 3 years now. I go to a junior high school. My favourite subjects are the Greek language(and literature) and PE(physical education). I really enjoy playing with my friends. I would like to be involved in modelling and drawing. Continue reading “Rogan”

Dublin Core: Language: en, el Subject: A Million Stories, Afghanistan, Greece, Refugee


I am Zobeda, I am 34 years old and I came from Afghanistan with my family. I have three children; one son and two daughters. In the morning, the first thing that I do is to prepare breakfast and then to send my children to school. When I return, I start cleaning and cooking for the family. I really like cooking “Kitchiri”, which consists of meat and black rice. Continue reading “Zobeda”

Dublin Core: Language: en, el Subject: A Million Stories, Afghanistan, Greece, Refugee

“A story that I will never forget”

My name is Mohamed Azimi Asef Ostadazim. I am 39 years old and I have come to Greece with my family. My wife and our three children.
We have been in Greece for almost three years. We came here in order to go to Germany. We went near the borders of FYROM but, because they were closed, we came to Athens.
At first, we were staying in Elliniko’s refugee centre. In there, I started giving lessons to refugees. I was teaching them how to draw. I was staying in Elliniko’s camp for one year and a half. Almost 180 students participated in my class. After a while, we conducted an exhibition inside the Elliniko’s refugee centre. Some politicians and many journalists visited the exhibition. I was interviewed by many media, as well as Al Jazeera. One year and six months later, my family and I went to Thiva’s refugee centre for the next four months. Afterwards, we came back to Athens. Continue reading ““A story that I will never forget””

Dublin Core: Language: en Subject: A Million Stories, Afghanistan, Greece, Refugee


Hasan is 5 years old and he came to Greece with his family, from Iraqi-Kurdistan, one year ago. In the beginning, Hasan and his family were staying in Skaramagas refugee centre, but now they live in an apartment, in Athens city centre. Hasan prefers to watch videos on the phone and he likes to listen to music and dance. He really likes playing football and he wants to go to school to learn more languages. “He is the youngest member of our family but also the toughest”, as his parents mention. Continue reading “Hasan”

Dublin Core: Language: en, el Subject: Greece, Kurdistan, Iraq, refugee, A Million Stories