Obada Nema is 26 years old. He is from Damascus, Syria.
My life before the war: I was studying and working. I was studying journalism in Damascus University. I worked in many cafeterias, and as a clerk. I was summoned to join the military, but I refused. I escaped from Syria to Egypt, where I stayed for one year. From there I went to Algeria, then to Tunisia, then to Libya. I found a smuggler in Libya, and crossed the ocean in a small boat to Italy. From there, the smugglers put me in a small van, and took me directly to Germany. From there I went to Denmark.
My life in Denmark started with language school for 10 months. After that, I got an internship in a construction company, which manufactures greenhouses. After that I got another internship at a launderette. After I had finished my language course, I got a real job in a supermarket called Netto.
My life now is very happy. I have no problems. I am integrated and happy in a positive way. I wish to continue my studies as an auto mechanic.
On a last note, I wish that politicians could view the positive sides of refugees. At all of the people who are working, and integrating themselves in the best way possible.