Aya is 16 years old and from Damascus, Syria
I came to Denmark in 2014 together with my father.
When we escaped from the war we went to Turkey to be with my father. All the family were on vacation at my father. When the family went back to Syria, I stayed with him. 25 days later we started traveling towards Europe. We sailed to Italy, it took 10 days. In Italy we came to a hotel where we stayed for a week.
We drove through different countries, we needed to pay, we went through France, Belgium, The Netherlands, Germany and other countries that I do not remember. I remember when we came to Italy there were a lot of dogs. In Syria there is not very many dogs, so I was scared of them. At a point in Italy we had to sleep at the airport.
We would have liked to go to Norway but stopped in Denmark. We had read that we could have family reunification in Denmark when we had been here for 3 month and would have to wait for a year in Norway. But it was not 3 month it took a year before the family came to Denmark.
I thought it was nice when we finally came to the police at the border in Germany. The police took our passports etc. We got a ticket to Sandholm, an asylum center. A month later we came to Grenå, we stayed there for 3 months. After that, my father and I came to Skuldelev. It was a very small place. When my family came it was not possible to get a larger place to live immediately. That possibility showed up a year and half later. We went to school and everything went fine. In the future I would like to work as an accountant. I will work very hard to fulfill my dream. Next year I’ll start at the high school, HHX.
Dublin Core: Language: en Subject: a million stories, syria, denmark, refugee, child, family reunification