Davoud Lajmiri is a 30 year old man, from Iran.
I have a bachelor in architecture, and had my own business in Iran. I worked and studied. I was 28 years when I left the country. I was Christian in Iran. When in Iran, there is no choice, everyone has to join the army. When I was in the army, I used to go to the secret hidden Christian church, that was outside the army facility. We couldn’t practice our faith openly. The regime found out about it. Someone who was in the army was also working for the regime, and they told people from the government about me. The government officers hacked into my phone and found some Christian scriptures. That is why I left the country.
I had a girlfriend who was Christian and we went to church together. Someone found out and made a report against us. I was arrested by leaders of the army. The Iranian Military Intelligence officers blindfolded me so I couldn’t see, and they brought four pieces of paper for me to sign while blindfolded. I had to sign and thereby promise not to continue my faith. After that they told me I had signed up to fight in the war in Syria. They wanted me to help Assad’s army. I could not tell my family, and they would send me to Syria in ten days.
In Iran, if your parents are Muslim, then you are considered a Muslim too. If you choose to be Christian, they call you ‘ertedad’, which means you have turned against them. For that you can be executed. That is what happened to me.
One of the reasons I got denied permission to stay is that they think this is only the case for Afghan people. Many Afghan people come to Iran because of the very bad economic situation in Afghanistan. The Iranian government promise these people an Iranian passport, if they go to Syria and fight in Assad’s army.
I appealed the judgement I got, and they would send it to court. I hope the
I live Avnstrup Asylum center. I go to internship right now, but otherwise I just lay down on my bed in the center.
In Denmark, I think the asylum seekers have been forgotten here. Everyone here at the center are disappointed. We are in the middle of nowhere. No one cares about us. No one thinks about us. We are a problem to others. I am not happy and not satisfied because I did not think the Danish government would send someone from my own country to decide my future. My case officer in Udlændingestyrelsen is from Iran. She denied my request to stay. I don’t think she is neutral because she is from Iran. She has decided my destiny.
I have become very depressed, and I receive treatment for my depression. I am very happy that you are here to talk to me and hear my story, it almost makes me feel normal.
In Iran, the problem is still there and even bigger now. They are still arresting people and still executing people.