journey – A Million Stories Refugee lives Thu, 08 Oct 2020 09:49:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 journey – A Million Stories 32 32 “Together against racism” Mon, 19 Nov 2018 15:18:05 +0000 Continue reading "“Together against racism”"

My name is Raja and comes from Palestine but born in Syria. I have lived 1 year in Sweden. Together against racism.

Svenska: Jag heter Raja och kommer från Palestina men född i Syrien. Jag har bott 1 år i Sverige. Tillsammans mot rasism.

A Million Stories Sweden: Nizar Keblawi, Nina Olsson, Sara Sarabi, Malin Gillberg, Daniel Björklund, Mats Nordström.

A Million Stories Sweden volunteers: Fariborz Ghadir, Mohamad Mohsin, Yazan Saad, Tarek Aloudallah, Dalia Saleem, Yara Ali, Ahmad Younes, Chaimae Hamri.

In association with

Dublin Core: Language: sv, eng Subject: asylum, refugees, A Million Stories, Sweden, Palestine, Syria ]]>
“Human rights are the biggest lie” Mon, 19 Nov 2018 15:14:32 +0000 Continue reading "“Human rights are the biggest lie”"

My name is Ayad, and is from Syria. I came to Sweden 2015. I am currently studying Swedish. The Employment Service does not help finding jobs. We want jobs that do not need Swedish. Sweden sells weapons to fighting parties in Syria. We die from these weapons. Human rights are the biggest lie.

Svenska: Jag heter Ayad, och kommer från Syrien. Jag kom till Sverige 2015. Jag studerar just nu svenska. Arbetsförmedlingen hjälper inte till att hitta jobb. Vi vill ha jobb som inte behöver svenska. Sverige säljer vapen till stridande partier i Syrien. Vi dör med vapnen. Mänskliga rättigheter är den största lögn.

A Million Stories Sweden: Nizar Keblawi, Nina Olsson, Sara Sarabi, Malin Gillberg, Daniel Björklund, Mats Nordström.

A Million Stories Sweden volunteers: Fariborz Ghadir, Mohamad Mohsin, Yazan Saad, Tarek Aloudallah, Dalia Saleem, Yara Ali, Ahmad Younes, Chaimae Hamri.

In association with

Dublin Core: Language: sv, eng Subject: asylum, refugees, A Million Stories, Sweden, Syria ]]>
“Apartment crisis” Mon, 19 Nov 2018 14:59:31 +0000 Continue reading "“Apartment crisis”"

My name is Syeda and I come from Pakistan, I came to Sweden 8 months ago. Please solve the apartment crisis.

Svenska: Jag heter Syeda och kommer från Pakistan, jag kom till Sverige för 8 månader sedan. Snälla lös lägenhetskrisen.

A Million Stories Sweden: Nizar Keblawi, Nina Olsson, Sara Sarabi, Malin Gillberg, Daniel Björklund, Mats Nordström.

A Million Stories Sweden volunteers: Fariborz Ghadir, Mohamad Mohsin, Yazan Saad, Tarek Aloudallah, Dalia Saleem, Yara Ali, Ahmad Younes, Chaimae Hamri.

In association with

Dublin Core: Language: sv, eng Subject: asylum, refugees, A Million Stories, Sweden, Pakistan ]]>
“Drowning with their children” Mon, 19 Nov 2018 14:48:02 +0000 Continue reading "“Drowning with their children”"

My name is Sulten and comes from Turkey. I came to Sweden 17 months ago. In Turkey, many women and men are imprisoned. They fly through a river called Meria. People fly together with their children. But some people are drowning with their children.

Svenska: Jag heter Sulten och kommer från Turkiet. Jag kom till Sverige för 17 månader sedan. I Turkiet fängslas många kvinnor och män. De flyr genom en flod som heter Meria. Människorna flyr tillsammans med deras barn. Men några människor drunknar med sina barn.

A Million Stories Sweden: Nizar Keblawi, Nina Olsson, Sara Sarabi, Malin Gillberg, Daniel Björklund, Mats Nordström.

A Million Stories Sweden volunteers: Fariborz Ghadir, Mohamad Mohsin, Yazan Saad, Tarek Aloudallah, Dalia Saleem, Yara Ali, Ahmad Younes, Chaimae Hamri.

In association with

Dublin Core: Language: sv, eng Subject: asylum, refugees, A Million Stories, Sweden, Turkey ]]>
“Every person needs peace” Mon, 19 Nov 2018 14:27:14 +0000 Continue reading "“Every person needs peace”"

My name is Mashal and comes from Afghanistan. I came to Sweden 9 months ago. Every person needs peace. I really want to see peace in my home country.

Svenska: Jag heter Mashal och kommer från Afghanistan. Jag kom till Sverige för 9 månader sedan. Varje människa behöver fred. Jag vill verkligen se fred i mitt hemland.

A Million Stories Sweden: Nizar Keblawi, Nina Olsson, Sara Sarabi, Malin Gillberg, Daniel Björklund, Mats Nordström.

A Million Stories Sweden volunteers: Fariborz Ghadir, Mohamad Mohsin, Yazan Saad, Tarek Aloudallah, Dalia Saleem, Yara Ali, Ahmad Younes, Chaimae Hamri.

In association with

Dublin Core: Language: sv, eng Subject: asylum, refugees, A Million Stories, Sweden, Afganistan ]]>
“Nightmare” Mon, 19 Nov 2018 14:21:26 +0000 Continue reading "“Nightmare”"

My name is Zahra and comes from Lebanon. I came to Sweden 4 months ago.

Svenska: Jag heter Zahra och kommer från Libanon. Jag kom till Sverige för 4 månader sedan.

A Million Stories Sweden: Nizar Keblawi, Nina Olsson, Sara Sarabi, Malin Gillberg, Daniel Björklund, Mats Nordström.

A Million Stories Sweden volunteers: Fariborz Ghadir, Mohamad Mohsin, Yazan Saad, Tarek Aloudallah, Dalia Saleem, Yara Ali, Ahmad Younes, Chaimae Hamri.

In association with

Dublin Core: Language: sv, eng Subject: asylum, refugees, A Million Stories, Sweden, Lebanon ]]>
“We have suffered here in Sweden” Mon, 19 Nov 2018 14:07:44 +0000 Continue reading "“We have suffered here in Sweden”"

My name is Maram, I come from Syria and came to Sweden 2 years and 6 months ago. Since the war in Syria we have suffered here in Sweden. It’s hard to get a job in his education. It is also difficult to get an apartment.

Svenska: Jag heter Maram, jag kommer från Syrien och kom till Sverige för 2 år och 6 månader sedan. Sedan kriget i Syrien har vi lidit här i Sverige. Det är svårt att få ett jobb i sin utbildning. Det är också svårt att få en lägenhet.

A Million Stories Sweden: Nizar Keblawi, Nina Olsson, Sara Sarabi, Malin Gillberg, Daniel Björklund, Mats Nordström.

A Million Stories Sweden volunteers: Fariborz Ghadir, Mohamad Mohsin, Yazan Saad, Tarek Aloudallah, Dalia Saleem, Yara Ali, Ahmad Younes, Chaimae Hamri.

In association with

Dublin Core: Language: sv, eng Subject: asylum, refugees, A Million Stories, Sweden, Syria ]]>
“This is society right now” Mon, 19 Nov 2018 14:01:02 +0000 Continue reading "“This is society right now”"

Marwan and coming from Syria, I came to Sweden 4 years ago. I have drawn a boy representing Syria and the man who has his head under the sand represents the EU. This is society right now.

Svenska: Marwan och kommer från Syrien, jag kom till Sverige för 4 år sedan. Jag har ritat en pojke som representerar Syrien och mannen som har sitt huvud under sanden representerar EU. Detta är samhället just nu.

A Million Stories Sweden: Nizar Keblawi, Nina Olsson, Sara Sarabi, Malin Gillberg, Daniel Björklund, Mats Nordström.

A Million Stories Sweden volunteers: Fariborz Ghadir, Mohamad Mohsin, Yazan Saad, Tarek Aloudallah, Dalia Saleem, Yara Ali, Ahmad Younes, Chaimae Hamri.

In association with

Dublin Core: Language: sv, eng Subject: asylum, refugees, A Million Stories, Sweden, Syria ]]>
“It was not as I thought” Mon, 19 Nov 2018 13:32:06 +0000 Continue reading "“It was not as I thought”"

My name is Aya and I’m from Syria, I came to Sweden 7 months ago. I studied 8 years in my home country at the university. I thought I only needed to study Swedish to be able to work with my education but it was not as I thought.

Svenska: Jag heter Aya och kommer från Syrien, jag kom till Sverige för 7 månader sedan. Jag studerade 8 år i mitt hemland på universitetet. Jag trodde att jag behövde bara studera svenska för att kunna arbeta med min utbildning men det var inte som jag trodde.

A Million Stories Sweden: Nizar Keblawi, Nina Olsson, Sara Sarabi, Malin Gillberg, Daniel Björklund, Mats Nordström.

A Million Stories Sweden volunteers: Fariborz Ghadir, Mohamad Mohsin, Yazan Saad, Tarek Aloudallah, Dalia Saleem, Yara Ali, Ahmad Younes, Chaimae Hamri.

In association with

Dublin Core: Language: sv, eng Subject: asylum, refugees, A Million Stories, Sweden, Syria ]]>
“Difficulties for immigrants” Mon, 19 Nov 2018 13:24:34 +0000 Continue reading "“Difficulties for immigrants”"

My name is Sayaf and comes from Syria, I came to Sweden 7 months ago. I feel comfortable in Sweden, but there are difficulties for immigrants, such as finding an apartment or finding work.

Svenska: Jag heter Sayaf och kommer från Syrien, jag kom till Sverige för 7 månader sedan. Jag trivs bra i Sverige men det finns svårigheter för invandrare, som till exempel hitta en lägenhet eller hitta arbete.

A Million Stories Sweden: Nizar Keblawi, Nina Olsson, Sara Sarabi, Malin Gillberg, Daniel Björklund, Mats Nordström.

A Million Stories Sweden volunteers: Fariborz Ghadir, Mohamad Mohsin, Yazan Saad, Tarek Aloudallah, Dalia Saleem, Yara Ali, Ahmad Younes, Chaimae Hamri.

In association with

Dublin Core: Language: sv, eng Subject: asylum, refugees, A Million Stories, Sweden, Syria ]]>