In Germany – A Million Stories Refugee lives Thu, 08 Oct 2020 09:49:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 In Germany – A Million Stories 32 32 Flowers Mon, 26 Nov 2018 11:11:50 +0000

Sebihan is 13 years old. She fled from Marcedonia to Germany.

“I love flowers and therefore I wanted to paint them.”

Storyteller’s name: Sebihan
Country of origin: Marcedonia
Sex: f
Age: 13

Dublin Core: Language: de Subject: refugees, asylum, a million stories, marcedonia, germany ]]>
Footballfield Mon, 26 Nov 2018 11:03:02 +0000

Armando is 7 years old. He fled from Kosovo to Germany.

“I panited the picture because I like football very much.”

Storyteller’s name: Armando
Country of origin: Kosovo
Sex: m
Age: 7

Dublin Core: Language: de Subject: refugees, asylum, a million stories, Kosovo, germany ]]>
My father was taken away Thu, 08 Nov 2018 13:08:22 +0000 Continue reading "My father was taken away"

My name is A., I am 21 years old and I come from Eritrea. I worked as a goldsmith in Eritrea for a long time. I lived with my family. I come from the village of Ghinda.

I left Eritrea in July 2013. My father was taken away for political reasons. Life became very difficult for me and my family because my father worked for the family. I got big problems, had to leave school and got into prison.

At the moment I am attending the German course. Here in Germany I live alone. I would like to pass the German course and work as a goldsmith again.

Storyteller’s name: Anonymous
Interviewer’s name: Sarah El Desoke and Sarah Dudek
Country of origin: Eritrea
Sex: m
Age: 21

Dublin Core: Language: de Subject: refugees, asylum, a million stories, sudan, eritrea, germany ]]>
My sons would have had to join the military Thu, 08 Nov 2018 11:57:07 +0000 Continue reading "My sons would have had to join the military"

My name is R.. I am 53 years old and come from Syria. I lived in Damascus and worked there as a bank employee. I am a widow and have three children. Two sons and one daughter. I have been living in Germany for two years. I had to flee my homeland because there was war in my country. I came to Germany because otherwise my sons would have had to join the military.

I have been attending a German course for two years. I have already passed the B1 course and now I visit the women’s café on Fridays. I regularly went to the old people’s home and I hope to find a good job or learn more German or help other people. I am sad because I had to leave my mother, who is in a wheelchair, alone.

Storyteller’s name: R.
Interviewer’s name: Sarah El Desoke
Country of origin: Syria
Sex: f
Age: 53

Dublin Core: Language: de Subject: refugees, asylum, a million stories, syria, germany ]]>
Only the people with a lot of money get a good job Thu, 08 Nov 2018 11:41:25 +0000 Continue reading "Only the people with a lot of money get a good job"

My name is Dijana, I come from Bosnia and I am 22 years old. In Bosnia I finished my school and lived with my family. In my country it is not important what kind of certificate you have. You have to accept every job and only the people with a lot of money get a good job. I live in Germany with my little sister. My family lives in Bosnia. I am doing a German course and working as a temporary help in a restaurant.

Storyteller’s name: Dijana
Interviewer’s name: Sarah El Desoke and Sarah Dudek
Country of origin: Bosnia
Sex: f
Age: 22

Dublin Core: Language: de Subject: refugees, asylum, a million stories, bosnia, germany ]]>
I wish to live in peace in Germany Thu, 08 Nov 2018 11:30:33 +0000 Continue reading "I wish to live in peace in Germany"

My name is Murad and I come from Syria. I am 23 years old. I come from Qamishli and lived there with my family. I left my homeland in 2012 because of the war. Before war my country was a beautiful country, but due to the war there were only explosions and military. At the moment I am doing a German course. I live here with my family. I would like to work as a hairdresser. I wish to live in peace in Germany.

Storyteller’s name: Murad
Interviewer’s name: Sarah El Desoke and Sarah Dudek
Country of origin: Syria
Sex: m
Age: 23

Dublin Core: Language: de Subject: refugees, asylum, a million stories, syria, germany ]]>
I would like to start my own business Thu, 08 Nov 2018 11:22:28 +0000 Continue reading "I would like to start my own business"

I’m from Afghanistan und bin 22 Jahre alt. There I went to school. I lived with my family. I left my homeland in 2011 and have been in Germany for three years. In Afghanistan my life was in danger because of the Taliban. At the moment I am taking a German course. I would like to start my own business.

Storyteller’s name: Anonymous
Interviewer’s name: Sarah El Desoke and Sarah Dudek
Country of origin: Afghanistan
Sex: m
Age: 22

Dublin Core: Language: de Subject: refugees, asylum, a million stories, afghanistan, germany ]]>
I saw death Thu, 08 Nov 2018 11:14:42 +0000 Continue reading "I saw death"

I come from Syria and I am 45 years old. In Syria I lived in Aleppo and worked there as a secretary. The war started in Syria in 2011, in Aleppo it started in 2012. My family emigrated to Turkey, Iraq and Lebanon. I left my job in 2013. I always lived with friends because my family was gone. My house was destroyed, so I stayed with friends. During the war I saw death. I remember the explosions, I saw death before my eyes. My friends died before my eyes.
I have been attending a German course for 1,5 years. I would like to work in childcare. My hobbies are cooking, reading and handicrafts. I would like to pass my B1 course and find a good job afterwards.

Storyteller’s name: Anonymous
Interviewer’s name: Sarah El Desoke and Sarah Dudek
Country of origin: Syria
Sex: f
Age: 45

Dublin Core: Language: de Subject: refugees, asylum, a million stories, syria, germany ]]>
Syria was destroyed by war Thu, 08 Nov 2018 10:54:46 +0000 Continue reading "Syria was destroyed by war"

I come from Syria and now live in Cologne with my family. I am married and have two children. My children attend school and we are satisfied here. For my job I would like to do a further education here.

We left my homeland four years ago because Syria was destroyed by the war. I have been in Germany with my family for three years now and have passed my B1 course. I would like to do further training as a carpenter, because that was my job in Syria. I thank the whole of Europe!

Storyteller’s name: Anonymous
Interviewer’s name: Sarah El Desoke and Sarah Dudek
Country of origin: Syria
Sex: m

Dublin Core: Language: de Subject: refugees, asylum, a million stories, syria, germany ]]>
I would like to continue working as a painter Thu, 08 Nov 2018 10:47:25 +0000 Continue reading "I would like to continue working as a painter"

Mein Name ist Yas, ich bin 30 Jahre alt und komme aus dem Irak. Dort lebte ich in der Stadt Hamdania. Ich bin Christ. Ich bin Maler von Beruf und habe eine kleine Familie. Ich bin verheiratet und habe eine Tochter.
Ich lebe seit drei Jahren in Deutschland. Ich musste aus meiner Heimat fliehen, weil es in meinem Land Krieg gab. Ich besuche seit zwei Jahren einen Deutschkurs und möchte hier auch als Maler arbeiten. Ich möchte gerne meinen B1-Kurs absolvieren und danach möchte ich in meinem Beruf als Maler weiterarbeiten.
Ich fahre gerne Auto und spiele Fußball und lese gerne die Bibel.

Storyteller’s name: Yas
Interviewer’s name: Sarah El Desoke and Sarah Dudek
Country of origin: Iraq
Sex: m
Age: 30

Dublin Core: Language: de Subject: refugees, asylum, a million stories, iraq, germany ]]>